Glass Quill Studio is the home of imaginative works by artists and storytellers CallyAnn Hamilton (Callyann Creates), L.C. Ireland (According to LC), and HallieKate Briggs (Art of HeKate).

Mutuals Meme

A grid of nine portraits depicting fantasy characters, including a fire genasi, a Sheikah, a human warlock, a Great Fairy, a tiefling, a shapeshifter, an air genasi, a My Hero Academia hero, and a mermaid. Illustration by CallyAnn Hamilton, callyanncreates

Gift art for some mutual followers on Insta 💕

A portrait of a fire genasi man with reddish skin, fiery hair, and cunning yellow glowing eyes. Illustration by CallyAnn Hamilton, callyanncreates

Cinder the fire genasi belongs to I actually found Barbs by searching genasi on Google. Her work is gorgeous, prolific, and far-reaching! 

A portrait of a Sheikah woman with light skin, dark brown hair, green eyes, and dark makeup.

Naomi the Sheikah belongs to artist0ftime. I’ve loved watching their style and Zelda OCs evolve! And Naomi in particular is 👌

A portrait of a dark-skinned human man with dark curls, brown eyes, and small rune-like scars trailing up his neck and onto his face.

Cassus the warlock belongs to flatasabird and whiskysauers. Cassus has one of the most refreshing designs I’ve ever seen. I get a little rush every time I see him on my feed. 

A portrait of a Great Fairy: he has gray skin, light green hair, and wears gold and green jewelry. Illustration by CallyAnn Hamilton, callyanncreates

Loyren the Great Fairy belongs to Webmegami. You ever get a follow-back that makes your heart jump into your throat? I’ve admired Webby and her gorgeous LOZ OCs for years. I may have freaked out just a little. 😂💕

A portrait of a purple-skinned tiefling man with curving horns, wavy dark hair, bright blue eyes and gold jewelry. Illustration by CallyAnn Hamilton, callyanncreates

Tarsus the tiefling bard belongs to johannamation. Johanna is my artist crush and I could look at her character designs and emotive poses all day. 💕 Just look at this guy! Don’t you have a BURNING NEED to know more?!

A portrait of a leering man with dark brown skin, pointed ears, bright blue eyes, and red hair. Illustration by CallyAnn Hamilton, callyanncreates

Rothbart belongs to dommnics. He’s a fantastic artist and so encouraging and warm 💕 …unlike Rothbart, who is a bad boy full of all kinds of sinister magics.

Portrait of an Air Genasi: she has blue skin, white hair, yellow eyes, and wears a red outfit. Illustration by CallyAnn Hamilton, callyanncreates

Tempeste the air genasi monk belongs to mischiefjoker, aka Brandie. Brandie’s been an encouraging friend for years, cheering on my projects and letting me fangirl over her OCs. Thanks for everything, Brandie! ;A;

A portrait of a MHA OC: she has dark brown skin, crocodile scales along her neck, a jagged reptilian mouth, and purple eyes. Illustration by CallyAnn Hamilton, callyanncreates

Kuroko is a My Hero Academia OC who belongs to prussiangator. prussiangator is crazy talented and delightful to watch develop as an artist. Kuroko was my favorite to draw of these portraits. I love her design!

A portrait of a mermaid: she has light skin, bright orange hair, teal eyes, and blue scales and fins. Illustration by CallyAnn Hamilton, callyanncreates

Madison the mermaid belongs to wanlingnic. Someday I should do a fullbody drawing of this lady, because her design is SO cool. 😍

Skyward Sword Link Bookmark

Link from the Nintendo game "Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword" holding the Master Sword. Illustration by L.C. Ireland.

Skyward Sword had an interesting take on the beloved hero in green. This iteration of Link is a teenage student in a knight academy, well-known for taming a very rare bird mount, a Crimson Loftwing. Aside from his loftwing, this Link is nothing spectacular. He oversleeps and is often chided for not living up to his potential. He’s also Zelda’s best friend. Their dynamic is adorable and hints at the beginnings of a romantic relationship. When Zelda is captured by Ghirahim, Link rushes after her. In order to save his best friend, he faces every imaginable danger, slowly but surely growing stronger and wiser until he’s finally ready to save the one he loves. In some Zelda games, Link and Zelda barely interact at all and are virtually strangers pulled together by destiny. Skyward Sword puts great care into developing their relationship and bond before Zelda is taken.

Skyward Sword Link can be a punk and has some delightfully sassy dialogue options. I — of course — always choose them.

Here are the rest of the Skyward Sword bookmarks:

Skyward Sword Ghirahim Bookmark

Demon Lord Ghirahim from the Nintendo game "Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword" holding a sword. Illustration by L.C. Ireland.

Ghirahim is the fabulous, fierce, and deadly main antagonist of Skyward Sword. He provides a fantastic foil to the young, untried, hapless teenage Link. The player fights Ghirahim several times throughout the game, each fight escalating in difficulty to represent how much Link grows over the course of the game. At first, Ghirahim toys with Link as a silly, expendable toy. Imagine his frustration when this kid shows up to ruin his plans time and time again. Ghirahim had the chance to end Link when he was inexperienced and weak. But he didn’t. Ghirahim’s pride is his downfall. Meanwhile, Link’s humility and courage enable him to surpass the ancient demon in strength. This game illustrates their dynamic beautifully. Ghirahim easily has the best dialogue in the game and I look forward to every scene he appears in.

Here are the rest of the Skyward Sword bookmarks:

Skyward Sword Fi Bookmark

Demon Lord Ghirahim from the Nintendo game "Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword." Illustration by L.C. Ireland.

I remember the first time I saw concept art of Fi from Skyward Sword. The hype was REAL. I thought for sure that she was somehow connected to the very similarly-designed Fairy Queen from a previous Zelda game, Wind Waker. My sister and I excitedly discussed how she may be a more humanoid incarnation of Link’s beloved fairy, Navi. Or maybe the Fairy Queen herself. Our anticipation for playing this game was so intense. When we finally got a chance to play, we were instantly charmed by the intriguing cast of characters.

And then there was Fi.

I cannot explain to you our sheer disappoint when Fi first opened her mouth and sounded like a GPS computer. She has no personality whatsoever. She proceeds to spend the rest of the game terrorizing the player with constant useless interruptions in which she spews out emotionless and pointless statistics. There were a few scenes of her dancing that re-ignited our initial excitement. But that was quickly snuffed out by the absolutely ridiculous animation of her “singing” which looks more like she’s screaming in agony and having a seizure.

For such an interesting design, Fi is unfortunately SO LAME and one of my least-favorite of Link’s companions. She’s supposed to have a heartfelt scene at the end where she imagines what it must be like to feel, but by then I was so over it and just looked forward to her finally shutting up.

I wanted to draw her in a way that captured that early intrigue and anticipation for a character that could have been so cool.

Here are the rest of the Skyward Sword bookmarks:

Skyward Sword Impa Bookmark

Impa from the Nintendo game "Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword" holding a golden harp. Illustration by L.C. Ireland.

Impa has had many iterations across the Zelda franchise. Sometimes she’s Zelda’s nurse or nanny, other times her personal guard. In this game, Impa is a hero from the distant past who time travels forward a thousand years in order to rescue Zelda when she’s captured by demon lord Ghirahim. They then take off on an epic game of cat-and-mouse in which Impa barely manages to keep Zelda a step ahead of Ghirahim, rescuing her just in the nick of time. Meanwhile, Link lags behind, enmeshed in dungeon after dungeon, held back by a frustratingly linear plot which explores the same three areas over and over and over while the player wrestles with some of the worst control mechanics in the whole series. Yeah, this game isn’t my favorite. But none of my frustrations come from the main cast. In fact, this game has some of the most layered and entertaining characters in the whole series.

Here is the rest of the Skyward Sword series:

Skyward Sword Princess Zelda Bookmark

Princess Zelda from the Nintendo game "Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword" holding a golden harp. Illustration by L.C. Ireland.

I was inspired by the Switch re-release of Skyward Sword to draw a series of bookmarks of the main cast. I know myself and I know my strengths. I completely expected for Zelda to be the easiest bookmark to draw. Imagine my surprise and dismay when I struggled again and again and again to make her look good. It felt like every single inch of this bookmark was a massive battle. I got so frustrated that I eventually just flattened the whole bookmark and painted on top of it. Only then did I finally get her face to look good. I’m very proud of it now, but I can’t even look at this bookmark without remembering the pain.

Here are the rest of the Skyward Sword series: