Glass Quill Studio is the home of imaginative works by artists and storytellers CallyAnn Hamilton (Callyann Creates), L.C. Ireland (According to LC), and HallieKate Briggs (Art of HeKate).

Lilo and Nani Bookmark

Lilo and Nani from Disney's "Lilo & Stitch." Illustration by L.C. Ireland.

I drew Lilo and Nani in response to a request of a friend of mine. She mentioned that Nani was one of her absolute favorite Disney characters, but my friend was always disappointed by never finding art of her at conventions. I rose to the challenge! The friend was very excited when she saw this one. I didn’t know how well it would sell, but I’m delighted to say that Nani and Lilo have lots of fans.

Kuzco Bookmark

Kuzco from Disney's "The Emperor's New Groove." Illustration by L.C. Ireland.

The Emperor’s New Groove is one of my favorite movies of all time. I can literally quote the entire movie. I knew I had to make a Kuzco bookmark. I drew this one at the same time that I drew my first 2021 series of Disney Princess bookmarks. He was the only guy in the line-up, but it just felt right. He out-divas all the other princesses. Clearly people agree, because Kuzco is by far my best-selling bookmark. I hear so many shrieks of glee when people realize I have Kuzco. He just flies off the shelves.

Anna Bookmark

Anna from Disney's "Frozen." Illustration by L.C. Ireland.

I absolutely adore Anna from Disney’s “Frozen.” Her personality is so sweet, quirky, and sincere. I decided that I wanted to draw the two sisters looking at each other, so if someone purchased both of their bookmarks and held them next to each other, they would appear to be in the same scene. I liked this idea so much that I’ve used it for several pairs of characters since. I really struggled to get Anna’s face just right for this one. I re-drew and shifted her features around so many times until I was satisfied.

Aurora Bookmark

Aurora from Disney's "Sleeping Beauty." Illustration by L.C. Ireland.

When I worked at Disney World, I had a roommate who absolutely loves Aurora/Briar Rose from Disney’s “Sleeping Beauty.” So of course I had to include this iconic princess in my Disney bookmark collection. I went back and forth on whether to draw her in the blue or pink version of her dress, but ultimately decided to do both! It was so hard and so much work, but I learned a lot from the process and I’m very proud of the final result. The background was inspired by the scene where she’s dancing in the clouds with Philip.

Kida Bookmark

Kida from Disney's "Atlantis" holding her crystal pendant in a beam of blue light. Illustration by L.C. Ireland

Disney’s “Atlantis” holds a very special place in my heart. I will never forget the impact that the ads for this movie had on my young imagination! This movie was unlike anything I’d ever seen before. A blend of science fiction and fantasy with gorgeous animation, a stellar cast, and a gripping plot. I was hooked! As soon as I made the decision to draw a series of Disney Princess bookmarks, I knew that Kida had to be included. I wanted to capture the drama of the movie, while still showing her smiling. People are always very excited to see her bookmark at conventions. She has consistently been one of my best-selling designs.

Raya Bookmark

Raya from Disney's "Raya and the Last Dragon." Illustration by L.C. Ireland.

I have so many thoughts about Disney’s “Raya and the Last Dragon.” It was so close to being a great movie, but a few questionable writing choices really dragged it down. It’s breakneck-speed plot, layers upon layers of unnecessary exposition, and poorly selected and executed theme left me literally grimacing as I watched. It’s such a shame, too. Because this is an gorgeous movie. The animation is utterly stunning. This movie has one of the most incredible fight scenes I’ve ever seen. I love all of the layers and textures of Raya’s outfit and had a lot of fun recreating her in my own style.

Tiana Bookmark

Ah, Tiana. The final hand-drawn princess in the Disney Princess line-up. I absolutely love watching her move because she’s so beautifully animated in the movie. I am among the many who believe she needed to spend way more of the movie as a human rather than a frog. Her dress design is absolutely stunning. The bodice gave me a little bit of trouble. Her tight, sleek bun also meant that I had nowhere to hide my sins haha. But I persevered through the struggles and I’m very pleased with the final result. I especially love the warm lighting versus the deep cool shadows that really make her pop.

Pocahontas Bookmark

Pocahontas from Disney's "Pocahontas." Illustration by L.C. Ireland.

I loved loved LOVED the movie “Pocahontas” as a kid. I thought Pocahontas was so beautiful and I was absolutely mesmerized by the way her hair was animated. John Smith was my first crush. 😅 I have an absolutely gorgeous friend who I used as a reference for this bookmark. Every time I see it, I think of my friend and smile.


Eijiro Kirashima, aka Red Riot, from "My Hero Academia." Illustration by CallyAnn Hamilton, callyanncreates

“Kirashima’s real quirk isn’t his hardening ability; it’s how this BEST BOY is able to befriend literally anybody he sets his mind to! He’s the first to befriend the angry Pomeranian; his sheer manliness allows him to befriend metal boy; Even the guy who’s supposed to kill him can’t help but appreciate his sheer Chad-ness! Trust me—Send my boy to the UN, and we are one week of fistfights away from world peace! Cheers to you, my beautiful spiky boy!”
-jdlipowicz on TikTok

Here’s the unmasked version:

Eijiro Kirashima, aka Red Riot, from "My Hero Academia." Illustration by CallyAnn Hamilton, callyanncreates

Eijiro Kirashima is from My Hero Academia.
Illustration © CallyAnn Hamilton.